See also:


The USA cartoon series ExoSquad (1993-4) was the result of an effort to apply to American TV animation the techniques pioneered by Japanese anime, such as greater dramatic complexity and character development. The plot involved the sudden fall of the Homeworlds — Earth and a terraformed Venus and Mars — to a revolt of the Neo-Sapiens, a genetically-modified subpecies of human designed for hard labor.
Eugene Ipavec, 23 October 2005

Neo-Sapien Empire

[cyberian flag]
image by Eugene Ipavec, 23 October 2005

The flag of the Neo-Sapien Empire, a genetically-modified subpecies of human designed for hard labor. At its height the Empire controls the entire inner solar system.

It appeared onscreen at least once, in the series' next-to-last episode, being lowered over a liberated internment camp. I am not absolutely certain, as it has been a long time, but I think it was light blue with the symbol of the Empire in gold.
Eugene Ipavec, 23 October 2005

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